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For Youths 13 – 25 years old (Group*)

Available Dates and Timeslots:
Saturdays, 10am – 11.30am

82 Redhill Lane #01-69 Singapore 150082

$20/programme, inclusive of art materials

(*This rate is subsidized for participants from low-income backgrounds with terms and conditions applied. A full costs of $150/hour per session will be required for non-eligible participants. Please check the sign-up link below.)

As we venture into youth and adulthood, we may ponder more on our aspirations, dreams, body image, sexual health, relationships, and gender identity. During this phase of life, a safe space allowed for self-expressions is important to share our perspectives and allow us to explore without judgement.



BEINGS is a weekly open art therapy studio programme offering a non-judgemental space, encouraging youths to share their views, explore and build resilience, empathy and compassion. It also encourages studio members to build a support network for each other. During the studio time, a certified art therapist will guide the youths through simple body movements, games, or art projects which may include photography, clay, body movement drawing, painting and digital means.



No artistic skills or experiences are required! You are welcome to sign up with your schoolmates or community of peers.




In line with our centre opening, we are introducing our programmes at a lowered rate for
a limited period of time!

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