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For Children/Youths 6 – 25 years old (Group*)

Available Dates and Timeslots:
Saturday, 3pm – 4pm

82 Redhill Lane #01-69 Singapore 150082

$25/programme, inclusive of art materials

(*This rate is subsidized for participants from low-income backgrounds with terms and conditions applied. A full costs of $150/hour per session will be required for non-eligible participants. Please check the sign-up link below.)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children and youths are more likely to experience anxiety, fear, and worry, as they may not be able to comprehend what is happening in the world.


ReBound is an art therapy project that aims to empower children and youths to make changes towards better emotional wellbeing. They will be guided by a professional art therapist in therapeutic discussions, group sharing, and creative processes in order to improve their emotional intelligence, resourcefulness, and empathy towards self and others in challenging life situations. They will learn a unique technique to creatively transform books with everyday objects and creative mediums.


No artistic skills or experiences are required!



In line with our centre opening, we are introducing our programmes at a lowered rate for
a limited period of time!

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